Find the package that suits you


For Individuals

3 Months Duration

Property Listing Spaces


Number of Agents

Start immediately with the basic features and free content.


+ Commissions

For individuals that need the full power of Sakan

6 Months Duration

Property Listing Spaces


Featured Properties


Photography / Video Service


Number of Agents

Maximize the potential of your property listing with our all-inclusive package.
Contact Sales

Contact Sales

For organizations who have large number of listings and looking for oversight capabilities

1 Year Duration

Property Listing Spaces

Property Listing Count

Featured Properties

Photography / Video Service

Number of Agents

360 Pics

Drone Service

Paid Ads

Account Manager
Design you package that is customized and tailored to the unique needs of your organization
  • Property Listing Spaces:
    Property Listing Spaces
  • Property Listing Count:
    Property Listing Count
  • Featured Properties:
    Featured Properties
  • Photography / Video Service:
    Photography / Video Service
  • Number of Agents:
    Number of Agents
  • 360 Pics:
    360 Pics
  • Drone Service:
    Drone Service
  • Paid Ads:
    Paid Ads
  • Account Manager:
    Account Manager
  • Property Listing Spaces:
    Property Listing Spaces
  • Property Listing Count:
    Property Listing Count
  • Featured Properties:
    Featured Properties
  • Photography / Video Service:
    Photography / Video Service
  • Number of Agents:
    Number of Agents
  • 360 Pics:
    360 Pics
  • Drone Service:
    Drone Service
  • Paid Ads:
    Paid Ads
  • Account Manager:
    Account Manager
  • Property Listing Spaces:
    Property Listing Spaces
  • Property Listing Count:
    Property Listing Count
  • Featured Properties:
    Featured Properties
  • Photography / Video Service:
    Photography / Video Service
  • Number of Agents:
    Number of Agents
  • 360 Pics:
    360 Pics
  • Drone Service:
    Drone Service
  • Paid Ads:
    Paid Ads
  • Account Manager:
    Account Manager

*Sakan shall be entitled to a commission based on the successful completion of real estate transactions, as outlined below:
For property sales, Sakan shall receive a commission of 1% of the final sell price | For property purchases, Sakan shall receive a commission of 1% of the final purchase price | For property renting, Sakan shall receive a commission of 50% of the final monthly rental price | The commission percentage may be subject to negotiation or adjustment based on the specific circumstances of each transaction | Subscriber shall pay commissions to Sakan within 10 days of the successful closing of a real estate transaction.

**Fair and Subjective use: customers or users are allowed to use Sakan services in ways that are reasonable and consistent with Sakan terms of use, without infringing on Sakan rights or disrupting Sakan operations. How Sakan employ its services may vary based on Sakan needs, preferences, or interpretations of the service's features, rather than a strict, one-size-fits-all approach.



For Individuals

3 Months Duration

Property Listing Spaces


Number of Agents

Start immediately with the basic features and free content.
  • Property Listing Spaces:
    Property Listing Spaces
  • Property Listing Count:
    Property Listing Count
  • Featured Properties:
    Featured Properties
  • Photography / Video Service:
    Photography / Video Service
  • Number of Agents:
    Number of Agents
  • 360 Pics:
    360 Pics
  • Drone Service:
    Drone Service
  • Paid Ads:
    Paid Ads
  • Account Manager:
    Account Manager


+ Commissions

For individuals that need the full power of Sakan

6 Months Duration

Property Listing Spaces


Featured Properties


Photography / Video Service


Number of Agents

Maximize the potential of your property listing with our all-inclusive package.
  • Property Listing Spaces:
    Property Listing Spaces
  • Property Listing Count:
    Property Listing Count
  • Featured Properties:
    Featured Properties
  • Photography / Video Service:
    Photography / Video Service
  • Number of Agents:
    Number of Agents
  • 360 Pics:
    360 Pics
  • Drone Service:
    Drone Service
  • Paid Ads:
    Paid Ads
  • Account Manager:
    Account Manager
10,000 KWD

Contact Sales

For organizations who have large number of listings and looking for oversight capabilities

1 Year Duration

Property Listing Spaces

Property Listing Count

Featured Properties

Photography / Video Service

Number of Agents

360 Pics

Drone Service

Paid Ads

Account Manager
Design you package that is customized and tailored to the unique needs of your organization
  • Property Listing Spaces:
    Property Listing Spaces
  • Property Listing Count:
    Property Listing Count
  • Featured Properties:
    Featured Properties
  • Photography / Video Service:
    Photography / Video Service
  • Number of Agents:
    Number of Agents
  • 360 Pics:
    360 Pics
  • Drone Service:
    Drone Service
  • Paid Ads:
    Paid Ads
  • Account Manager:
    Account Manager